Office for Cyber Security (Department of the Premier and Cabinet)
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet is the lead agency for the South Australian Government. A directorate of the department is the Office for Cyber Security, tasked with leading cyber security strategy, policy and central incident coordination. The responsibilities of the Office for Cyber Security include:
Lead Agency for Cyber Crisis
Pursuant to the Emergency Management Act 2004, the Department of the Premier and Cabinet is designated as the Control Agency for Cyber Crisis. The responsibilities of the Control Agency are managed by the Office for Cyber Security. The Act and State Emergency Management Plan identify the Department of the Premier and Cabinet as the Control Agency for Cyber Crisis to lead a coordinated response to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber security incidents affecting government or the community. One of the primary activities and requirements of a Control Agency is an intelligence function which assess the landscape, identify risks and share information with all relevant stakeholders.
SA Government Cyber Security Policy and Outreach
The Office for Cyber Security own and manage the South Australian Cyber Security Framework (SACSF) which is the whole of South Australian Government cyber security policy framework. The SACSF directs and guides SA Government agencies through an approach for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving their cyber security posture. The Office for Cyber Security provides an advice and guidance service to assist agencies understand and implement the SACSF.
To support the enhancement of cyber security resilience, the Office for Cyber Security delivers threat briefings, outreach and awareness activities to SA Government agencies, these activities address a diverse range of cyber security threats and associated risks.